Practice Tests | PL-400 Microsoft Power Platform Developer

Prepare for the PL-400 Microsoft Power Platform Developer Exam. High-quality exam questions with detailed explanations!


Are you looking to take the PL-400 Microsoft Power Platform Developer Exam? If so, you need the right tools to help you pass with flying colors. That’s where the PL-400: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Practice Tests come in.

Our practice tests are designed to help you develop and test your knowledge of the Microsoft Power Platform services, including application enhancements, custom user experiences, system integrations, data conversions, and custom process automation.

With our practice tests, you’ll be able to test your knowledge of the capabilities, boundaries, and constraints of the Power Platform, as well as your understanding of application lifecycle management (ALM) practices.

To be successful in the exam, you will need to have development experience with the Power Platform services, as well as other technologies such as JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, C#, HTML, .NET/ASP.NET, RESTful Web APIs, Microsoft Azure, and Microsoft 365.

Skills measured in this exam:

  • Create a technical design (10—15%)
  • Configure Microsoft Dataverse (10—15%)
  • Create and configure Power Apps (5—10%)
  • Configure business process automation (5—10%)
  • Extend the user experience (15—20%)
  • Extend the platform (20—25%)
  • Develop integrations (5—10%)

With our comprehensive practice tests, you’ll be able to confidently prepare for the PL-400 exam and pass with ease. So why wait? Start practicing today and take the first step towards becoming a certified Microsoft Power Platform Developer.

Our practice tests are designed to help you become more confident and well-prepared for the exam. They are created by experts in the field, and will provide you with a comprehensive and realistic assessment of your knowledge and skills.

Take the first step towards becoming a certified Microsoft Power Platform Developer by signing up for our practice tests today. Start your journey to success now!

Who this course is for:

  • Candidates for the PL-400 Microsoft Power Platform Developer exam who want to test and improve their knowledge of the Power Platform.
  • Developers with experience working with the Power Platform who want to prepare for the certification exam.
  • IT professionals who want to enhance their skills and knowledge of the Power Platform and its capabilities.
  • Anyone interested in learning more about the Power Platform and its capabilities for developing custom solutions.

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