Financial Modeling | Social Media Sector : Twitter

Learn projections, financial statements analysis, DCF valuations modeling of Social Media sector giant Twitter


While building a financial model, the first step is to study the company you are interested in. It means researching to get a good understanding of its financial status. To start, you can gather basic financial information about the company. It will help you better understand how it is doing before diving into its annual reports. However, ensure you get your information from a reliable source, like Yahoo Finance or Reuters. For example, let’s say you want to learn about Apple Inc. You can use Yahoo Finance to get a quick financial snapshot of the company. It’s a great way to get a sense of its financial health.

If you want to learn to create a financial model in Excel, check out this course. It’ll walk you through creating a fully integrated financial model using Twitter as an example for the historical years. Let us look at how one can build a financial model from scratch. This financial modeling course will provide a step-by-step guide to creating a financial model. The primary approach taken in this financial modeling guide is Modular. The modular system essentially means building core statements like income statements, balance sheets, and cash flows using different modules/sheets. When creating a financial model in Excel, paying close attention to details is essential. You must also know your way around Excel functions and tools. You cannot just build a financial model once and be over with it. As a result, you must keep tweaking and updating your financial model to ensure accuracy and reliability. The key focus is to prepare each statement step by step and connect all the supporting programs to the core statements on completion. We understand that this may not be clear now. However, you will realize this is very easy as we move forward.

Who this course is for:

  • Business and finance practitioners who are eager to improve their Excel and Financial Modeling skills
  • Graduates/Post Graduates/CA/CFA
  • Financial Analysts/ Managers who want to expand on the current set of skills

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