CompTIA CAS-002 Advanced Security Practitioner Practice Exam

CompTIA CAS-002 Advanced Security Practitioner Practice Exam

Attend this CompTIA CAS-002 Advanced Security Practitioner Practice Exam will get a Good Score 80% on Main Exam

What you’ll learn

  • Strong Knowledge on CompTIA CAS-002 Advanced Security Practitioner
  • Any one who want to do CompTIA CAS-002 Advanced Security Practitioner Practice Exam

Sample Questions

Q) The administrator wants to include on the basis of a flexible mandatory access control policies on the OS open source in order to prevent pathological changes of applications or shootings. Which of the following best achieve this?

a) Access Control Lists

b) SELinux

c) Iptables firewall


e) None

Q) ABC SAN company is approaching capacity and cause costly downtime for the server runs out of disk space. Which of the following is a more cost effective alternative to buying a new SAN?

a) Enable more to increase access

b) Turning pools reduplication data storage devices

c) Implement images to reduce the size of the virtual disk

d) Implementing Replication visiting data center

e) None

Q) The system administrator sets the CIFS share on a UNIX device per share on Windows systems. Security Authentication Windows domain is set to the highest level. Windows users indicate that they can pass on a UNIX share authentication. Which of the following parameters on a UNIX server to fix this problem?

a) Refuse LM and accept only NTLMv2

b) Just accept LM

c) Give and take NTLMv2 LM

d) Accept only NTLM

e) None

Q) Accept only NTLM

a) vTPM

b) HSM

c) TPM

d) INE

e) None

Who this course is for:
  • Those who want to get knowledge on Certification & Check your Skill Test while attend this Practice Test

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