212-89 – EC-Council Certified Incident Handler ECIH V2- Exam
This Course contains 3 Full Length Practice Exams with 160+ UNIQUE Questions and explanations from EC-Council Certified Incident Handler ECIH V2 – (212-89) Exam covering all the topics for the ECIH V2 – 212-89 Exam. -
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What do we offer? • 3 Full-length mock tests with unique questions in each test set • Practice objective questions with section-wise scores • In-depth and exhaustive explanation for every question • Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses • 160+ Latest Questions with an updated version • Tips & Tricks to crack the test • Unlimited access -
What are our Practice Exams? • Practice exams have been designed by professionals and domain experts that simulate real time exam scenario. • Practice exam questions have been created on the basis of content outlined in the official documentation. • Each set in the practice exam contains unique questions built with the intent to provide real-time experience to the candidates as well as gain more confidence during exam preparation. • Practice exams help to self-evaluate against the exam content and work towards building strength to clear the exam. • You can also create your own practice exam based on your choice and preference -
100% Assured Test Pass Guarantee. • We have built our Practice exams with 100% Unconditional and assured Test Pass Guarantee! • If you are not able to clear the exam, you can ask for a 100% refund. -
*** Updated on 19-APRIL-2020 – We are proud to have the most up-to-date list of free questions!
- Understand the key issues plaguing the information security world • Learn to combat different types of cybersecurity threats, attack vectors, threat actors and their motives • Learn the fundamentals of incident management including the signs and costs of an incident • Understand the fundamentals of vulnerability management, threat assessment, risk management, and incident response automation and orchestration • Master all incident handling and response best practices, standards, cybersecurity frameworks, laws, acts, and regulations • Decode the various steps involved in planning an incident handling and response program • Gain an understanding of the fundamentals of computer forensics and forensic readiness • Comprehend the importance of the first response procedure including evidence collection, packaging, transportation, storing, data acquisition, volatile and static evidence collection, and evidence analysis • Understand anti-forensics techniques used by attackers to find cybersecurity incident cover-ups • Apply the right techniques to different types of cybersecurity incidents in a systematic manner including malware incidents, email security incidents, network security incidents, web application security incidents, cloud security incidents, and insider threat-related incidents
- E|CIH is a specialist-level program that caters to mid-level to high-level cybersecurity professionals. In order to increase your chances of success, it is recommended that you have at least 1 year of experience in the cybersecurity domain.
- The age requirement for attending the training or attempting the exam is restricted to any candidate that is at least 18 years old. If the candidate is under the age of 18, they are not eligible to attend the official training or eligible to attempt the certification exam unless they provide the accredited training center/EC-Council a written consent of their parent/legal guardian and a supporting letter from their institution of higher learning. Only applicants from nationally accredited institution of higher learning shall be considered.
PASS EC-Council Certified Incident Handler ECIH V2 – (212-89) Exam in First Attempt Guaranteed!
Get 100% Real Exam Questions, Accurate & Verified Answers As Seen in Real Exam!
This Course contains 3 Full Length Practice Exams with 160+ UNIQUE Questions and explanations from EC-Council Certified Incident Handler ECIH V2 – (212-89) Exam covering all the topics for the ECIH V2 – 212-89 Exam.
*** Updated on 19-APRIL-2020 – We are proud to have the most up-to-date list of free questions!
What do we offer?
3 Full-length mock tests with unique questions in each test set
Practice objective questions with section-wise scores
In-depth and exhaustive explanation for every question
Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses
160+ Latest Questions with an updated version
Tips & Tricks to crack the test
Unlimited access
What are our Practice Exams?
Practice exams have been designed by professionals and domain experts that simulate real time exam scenario.
Practice exam questions have been created on the basis of content outlined in the official documentation.
Each set in the practice exam contains unique questions built with the intent to provide real-time experience to the candidates as well as gain more confidence during exam preparation.
Practice exams help to self-evaluate against the exam content and work towards building strength to clear the exam.
You can also create your own practice exam based on your choice and preference
100% Assured Test Pass Guarantee.
We have built our Practice exams with 100% Unconditional and assured Test Pass Guarantee!
If you are not able to clear the exam, you can ask for a 100% refund.
With over 25K+ Satisfied customers and a pass rate of over 98% we are the internet’s leader in IT certification exams material.
Our certification specialists constantly update the exam materials to have the most up-to-date real-exam questions, answers and additional explanations.
We are confident that using our EC-Council Certified Incident Handler ECIH V2 – (212-89) Practice Tests will have you passing this exam easily, and if you won’t pass you’ll get your money back.
Exam Syllabus :
- Module 01: Introduction to Incident Handling and Response
- Module 02: Incident Handling and Response Process
- Module 03: Forensic Readiness and First Response
- Module 04: Handling and Responding to Malware Incidents
- Module 05: Handling and Responding to Email Security Incidents
- Module 06: Handling and Responding to Network Security Incidents
- Module 07: Handling and Responding to Web Application Security Incidents
- Module 08: Handling and Responding to Cloud Security Incidents
- Module 09: Handling and Responding to Insider Threats
Exam Information :
- Exam Title : EC-Council Certified Incident Handler
- Exam Code : 212-89
- Number of Questions : 100
- Duration : 3 hours
- Exam Availability : EC-Council Exam Portal
- Test Format : Multiple Choice
- Passing Score : 70%
- Clause: Age Requirements and Policies Concerning Minors
The age requirement for attending the training or attempting the exam is restricted to any candidate that is at least 18 years old.
If the candidate is under the age of 18, they are not eligible to attend the official training or eligible to attempt the certification exam unless they provide the accredited training center/EC-Council a written consent of their parent/legal guardian and a supporting letter from their institution of higher learning. Only applicants from nationally accredited institution of higher learning shall be considered.
What is an Incident Handler?
Incident handler is a term used to describe the activities of an organization to identify, analyze, and correct hazards to prevent a future reoccurrence. These incidents within a structured organization are normally dealt with by a either an Incident Response Team (IRT), or an Incident Management Team (IMT). These teams are often either designated beforehand, or during the event and are placed in control of the organization while the incident is dealt with, in order to retain business processes.
Become a Certified Incident Handler
The EC-Council Certified Incident Handler certification is designed to provide the fundamental skills to handle and respond to computer security incidents in an information system.
A Certified Incident Handler is a skilled professional who is able to handle various types of incidents, risk assessment methodologies, and various laws and policies related to incident handling. A certified Incident Handler will be able to create incident handling and response policies and deal with various types of computer security incidents such as network security incidents, malicious code incidents, and insider attack threats.
The ECIH certification will provide professionals with greater industry acceptance as the seasoned incident handler.
Certification Target Audience
This course will significantly benefit incident handlers, risk assessment administrators, penetration testers, cyber forensic investigators, venerability assessment auditors, system administrators, system engineers, firewall administrators, network managers, IT managers, IT professionals, and anyone who is interested in incident handling and response.
Who Is It For?
The incident handling skills taught in E|CIH are complementary to the job roles below as well as many other cybersecurity jobs:
- Penetration Testers
- Vulnerability Assessment Auditors
- Risk Assessment Administrators
- Network Administrators
- Application Security Engineers
- Cyber Forensic Investigators/ Analyst and SOC Analyst
- System Administrators/Engineers
- Firewall Administrators and Network Managers/IT Managers
E|CIH is a specialist-level program that caters to mid-level to high-level cybersecurity professionals. In order to increase your chances of success, it is recommended that you have at least 1 year of experience in the cybersecurity domain.
E|CIH members are ambitious security professionals who work in Fortune 500 organizations globally.
Prepare to Handle and Respond to Security Incidents
Organizations are under constant attacks and with the knowledge and skills found in the E|CIH program, professionals can now not only detect incidents, but also quickly manage and respond holistically to these incidents.
E|CIH is a highly interactive, comprehensive, high-standard, intensive 3-day training program that teaches information security professionals to behave professional incident handlers and gain a distinct identity than other security professionals. The program teaches all the necessary components of incident handling, containment and reinstating the IT infrastructure.
Learning Objectives of E|CIH Program
- Understand the key issues plaguing the information security world
- Learn to combat different types of cybersecurity threats, attack vectors, threat actors and their motives
- Learn the fundamentals of incident management including the signs and costs of an incident
- Understand the fundamentals of vulnerability management, threat assessment, risk management, and incident response automation and orchestration
- Master all incident handling and response best practices, standards, cybersecurity frameworks, laws, acts, and regulations
- Decode the various steps involved in planning an incident handling and response program
- Gain an understanding of the fundamentals of computer forensics and forensic readiness
- Comprehend the importance of the first response procedure including evidence collection, packaging, transportation, storing, data acquisition, volatile and static evidence collection, and evidence analysis
- Understand anti-forensics techniques used by attackers to find cybersecurity incident cover-ups
- Apply the right techniques to different types of cybersecurity incidents in a systematic manner including malware incidents, email security incidents, network security incidents, web application security incidents, cloud security incidents, and insider threat-related incidents
The Purpose of E|CIH is
- To enable individuals and organizations with the ability to handle and respond to different types of cybersecurity incidents in a systematic way.
- To ensure that organization can identify, contain, and recover from an attack.
- To reinstate regular operations of the organization as early as possible and mitigate the negative impact on the business operations.
- To be able to draft security policies with efficacy and ensure that the quality of services is maintained at the agreed levels.
- To minimize the loss and after-effects breach of the incident.
- For individuals: To enhance skills on incident handling and boost their employability.
Why Incident Handling Is a Must for Every Organization
Despite all elementary security measures, organizations are still finding it difficult to withstand cyberattacks. The least of the consequences caused by the attacks are weakening the very foundation of the organization’s business processes. An effective incident handling and response program ensures quick healing by reducing the time spent on containment and aims to reinstate business processes to the expected level of quality.
How E|CIH Benefits Individuals
Gain Access to new, advanced Labs: The E|CIH Program comes with access to over 50 labs, 800 tools, and 4 OSs
Compliant with Major Industry Frameworks: 100% Complaint with the NICE 2.0 Framework and the CREST Framework
Comprehensive Templates Available: A large array of templates, check lists, and cheat sheets
E|CIH also Covers a Huge Variety of Security Incidents
- The incident handling skills taught in E|CIH are complementary to the job roles below as well as many other cybersecurity jobs: Penetration Testers Vulnerability Assessment Auditors Risk Assessment Administrators Network Administrators Application Security Engineers Cyber Forensic Investigators/ Analyst and SOC Analyst System Administrators/Engineers Firewall Administrators and Network Managers/IT Managers
- • Incident handlers • Risk assessment administrators • Penetration testers • Cyber forensic investigators • Vulnerability assessment auditors • System administrators • System engineers • Firewall administrators • Network managers • IT managers • IT professionals