DP-100 : Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution

Practice Exams to test your knowledge and passing your real DP-100 exam | Latest(2021) Questionnaires With Explanations

DP-100 Practice Test

Testing exam skills under real exam simulation.

Anyone who are preparing for the DP-100

Anyone who wants to test their knowledge in Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure

This practice tests course provides practice for taking the real exam and this practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment.

This course will give you lots of practice tests on all topics covered in the DP-100 exam

DP-100 exam covered topics.

  • Manage Azure resources for machine learning (25-30%)

Create an Azure Machine Learning workspace

Manage data in an Azure Machine Learning workspace

Manage compute for experiments in Azure Machine Learning

Implement security and access control in Azure Machine Learning

Set up an Azure Machine Learning development environment

Set up an Azure Databricks workspace

  • Run experiments and train models (20-25%)

Create models by using the Azure Machine Learning designer

Run model training scripts

Generate metrics from an experiment run

Use Automated Machine Learning to create optimal models

Tune hyperparameters with Azure Machine Learning

  • Deploy and operationalize machine learning solutions (35-40%)

Select compute for model deployment

Deploy a model as a service

Manage models in Azure Machine Learning

Create an Azure Machine Learning pipeline for batch inferencing

Publish an Azure Machine Learning designer pipeline as a web service

Implement pipelines by using the Azure Machine Learning SDK

Apply ML Ops practices

  • Implement responsible machine learning (5-10%)

Use model explainers to interpret models

Describe fairness considerations for models

Describe privacy considerations for data

Who this course is for:

  • Who want to pass DP100 Exam
  • Students preparing for the DP100  Exam
  • Students who want to assess their exam  by testing their exam skills under real (DP100) exam simulation.
  • For anyone who want to take their career  to a whole new level with an Microsoft certification!

pass the DP100 exam you must know the theory very well but also have high level hands-on skills. The element most students forget it drilling their knowledge with a ton of practice exams. Practice exams help you learn to apply theory to questions as well as expose weak areas in your knowledge.

The practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics.

Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.

Best of luck!

Official exam information:

  • Test taking options: Online / Local test center
  • Time to complete: 180 mins
  • Total number of questions asked: 40-60
  • Total Marks: 1000
  • Passing Score: 700
  • Question types: multiple choice and multi-response questions

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