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Preparing for AWS Certified Developer Architect Associate DVA-C01? This is THE practice exams course to give you the winning edge .
These practice exams have been co-authored by Stephane Maarek and Abhishek Singh who bring their collective experience of passing 18 AWS Certifications to the table.
The tone and tenor of the questions mimic the real exam. Along with the detailed description and “exam alert” provided within the explanations, we have also extensively referenced AWS documentation to get you up to speed on all domain areas being tested for the DVA-C01 exam.
The AWS Certified Developer Associate ( DVA-C01 ) is consistently among the top-paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% market share.
The AWS Certified Developer Associate exam is specifically designed to validate the technical knowledge of those in a DevOps role who must demonstrate proficiency in developing, deploying, and debugging cloud-based applications using AWS. Take your career and salary to the next level with an AWS Developer Associate certification!
Want to maximize your chances of passing your AWS Certified Developer Associate exam the first time? Then these popular AWS Developer Associate practice exams are for you! These 6 sets of AWS practice tests (with 65 practice questions each) reflect the difficulty of the Amazon Web Services exam questions and are the most similar to the real AWS certification exam experience available on Udemy. With this AWS Certification practice exam course, you’ll know when you are ready to take your AWS Certified Developer certification exam. Each practice exam has the same format, style, time limit, and passing score as the real AWS exam (130 min to answer 65 questions). All questions are unique and conform to the latest AWS DVA-C01 exam blueprint.
If you want easy to pass questions, then these practice tests are not for you! Our students love these high-quality practice tests because they simulate the actual certification exam and help them understand the AWS concepts. Our practice tests will prepare you thoroughly for the real exam so that you get to pass your exam the first time with confidence.
KEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual AWS exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our AWS practice exams until you consistently score 80% and higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the online training notes in detail! Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests – you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score.
COVERING DEVELOPMENT WITH AWS SERVICES: Through our AWS practice exams and online AWS Cheat Sheets, we cover development with AWS services including deployment, security, refactoring, and monitoring and troubleshooting. We also deep dive into individual services including AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline and CodeStar, Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS, AWS IAM, Amazon RDS, Route 53, DynamoDB, ElastiCache, VPC, SQS, SNS, Amazon Kinesis, CloudWatch, CloudTrail and many more.
GET FAMILIAR WITH EXAM FORMAT: Using our AWS Certified Developer Associate practice exams helps you gain experience with the test question format and how the questions in the real AWS exam are structured. Unfortunately, there are many AWS practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests you will be adequately prepared for the real AWS exam.
DEEPEN YOUR KNOWLEDGE: Please note that though we match the AWS exam pattern, our AWS practice exams are not brain dumps. Please don’t expect to pass the real AWS certification exam by simply memorizing answers. Instead, we encourage you to use our AWS Developer Associate practice exams to deepen your knowledge. This is your best chance to successfully pass your exam no matter what questions you are presented with in your real exam.
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: AWS Training and Certification is required in most IT job roles today. In fact, Amazon Web Services is the premier provider of cloud computing services. Our AWS Practice Tests and supporting AWS training resources have been created to help you gain a competitive advantage and ensure that you pass your AWS Certified Developer certification exam with confidence.
These AWS Certified Developer Associate practice exams have a passing score of 72% but we highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 90% or higher on each exam.
Remember that using this product alone does not guarantee you will pass the exam as you still need to do your own readings and hands-on exercises in AWS. Nonetheless, these CDA practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment on which knowledge area you need improvement on and even help you achieve a higher score!
Who this course is for:
- This course for students want to learn about Amazon AWS Certified Developer – Associate
- This course for students want to get certified on Amazon AWS Certified Developer – Associate