Fundamental Course of Amazon Cognito (101 Level)

Cognito – Amazon Cognito – AWS Cognito


Fundamental Course of Amazon Cognito (101 Level)

Embark on a foundational journey into the world of identity management and authentication with our Fundamental Course of Amazon Cognito. Tailored for beginners, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to Amazon Cognito, a robust cloud service designed to simplify the development of secure and scalable user authentication and authorization for applications. Participants will navigate through key concepts, functionalities, and practical applications, gaining the essential skills needed to leverage Amazon Cognito effectively.

Throughout the course, participants will dive into the basics of user identity management, exploring how Amazon Cognito facilitates secure user sign-up and sign-in processes. Learn to integrate social identity providers, such as Google and Facebook, to enhance user authentication options. Hands-on exercises and demonstrations will guide participants through the configuration of user pools, identity pools, and the implementation of multi-factor authentication for enhanced security.

This 101-level course ensures a solid understanding of Amazon Cognito’s core features, including user attribute customization, password policies, and the seamless integration with other AWS services. By the end of the program, participants will have the skills to confidently implement user authentication and authorization in their applications, laying the groundwork for secure and user-friendly digital experiences. Whether you’re a developer, IT professional, or technology enthusiast, this Fundamental Course of Amazon Cognito is your gateway to mastering the essentials of identity management in the cloud. Join us and unlock the potential of Amazon Cognito for your application development journey.

This 101 course you will learn about :

1. Introduction and purpose of Amazon cognito

2. Features of AWS Cognito, Cognito User Pool and Identity pool

3. User Authentication and Authorization with AWS Cognito

4. Amazon Cognito Identity

5. Integrate with Amazon Cognito

Enroll now and learn today.

Who this course is for:

  • All UG, PG, Engineering Students and AWS Internet Users, Systems and Software Security Experts, IT and Network Security Professionals, Computer Science and IT Students

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