AWS Certified Advanced Networking –Specialty Practice Tests

Study for your ANS-C00 exam with 6 practice tests each one contain more than 61 relevant questions and explanations 2023


Prepare for your ANS-C00 exam with our high-quality AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty practice tests. Each test contains real exam questions and answers, providing relevant and effective study material. Our practice tests are the most reliable and relevant resource for passing the exam on the first try.

Passing the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam is a valuable asset for your IT career and validates your advanced knowledge and experience in the field.

The exam covers a wide range of topics including:

  • Designing and implementing hybrid IT network models at scale,
  • Automating AWS tasks,
  • Configuring network integration with application services,
  • Designing and implementing security and compliance measures, managing, optimizing and troubleshooting networks.

The exam format consists of multiple choice and multi-response questions, has a duration of 170 minutes, and requires a passing score of 75%-80%.

The exam fee is $300 USD and it is recommended for individuals who have professional experience using AWS technology and are able to perform complex networking tasks.

To ensure excellent preparation, our practice tests cover all the main areas of the exam and are compiled by qualified experts in the field. With our concise and informative guide, you can be confident in your ability to pass the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam and earn the Certification.

Who this course is for:

  • AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty Students and Candidates

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