AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Exams 2023 NEW

All questions include explanations. The questions are as close to the real exam as possible. Over 90% accuracy rate!


■Lab Questions

Due to Udemy system specifications, it is not possible to reproduce the lab questions.

We have reproduced the actual questions below so that you should be able to solve them.


Please configure Amazon EventBridge to meet the following requirements: 1.

1. use the us-east-2 region for all resources.

2. use the default place settings, except as specified below.

3. use self-defined naming conventions, except where resource names are specified below

4. allow replay of Amazon EC2 events from the past 120 days in the default event bus

Create a Rule RunFunction that sends a specific message “name””example” to an existing AWS Lamda function Log Event Function every 15 minutes. Create a RunFunction. 6.

6. create a rule Spotwarninf that sends a notification to a new standard Amazon SAS topic TopicEvents each time an Amazon EC2 spot instance is interrupted, the subscription for this topic should have the following structure for the notification

Input Path.


Input Template

“The EC2 Spot Instance <instance> has been interrupted”


This is a mock exam for the latest version on October 18, 2022.

The content is based on actual questions, so if you memorize this, you will pass the exam for sure.

Exam Fields and Percentage of Questions

Category 1: Monitoring, Logging, and Repair 20%.

Category 2: Reliability and Business Continuity 16

Category 3: Deployment, Provisioning, and Automation 18

Category 4: Security and Compliance 16

Category 5: Networking and Content Delivery 18

Category 6: Cost and Performance Optimization 12

Who this course is for:

  • Operations Manager with at least one year of hands-on experience with AWS technologies.

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