AWS SAA-C01 Solution Architect Associate Practice Exam

AWS SAA-C01 Solution Architect Associate Practice Exam

Attend this AWS SAA-C01 Solution Architect Associate Practice Exam will get a Good Score 80% on Main Exam

What you’ll learn

  • Strong Knowledge on AWS SAA-C01 Solution Architect Associate
  • Any one who want to do AWS SAA-C01 Solution Architect Associate Practice Exam

Sample Questions

Q) When you try to run an instance of EC2, but an instance, it seems to go at once in a finished state. That probably is not the reason why this is happening?

a) AMI is not a necessary part of

b) The picture is damaged.

c) You have to create the first EBS storage

d) You have reached the limit of the volume

e) None

Q) You have created Auto Scaling group. Cooling group Auto Scaling period of 7 minutes. The first copy is started after 3 minutes, while the second copy is started after 4 minutes. How many minutes after the first run Auto Scaling to take a different scale in effect to my request?

a) 11 minutes

b) 7 minutes

c) 10 minutes

d) 14 minutes

e) None

Q) The service container components of Amazon EC2, that the name of a logical grouping of container instances that you can put the data?

a) cluster

b) the container body

c) Container

d) specific task

e) None

Q) In connection with support for the AWS, why EC2 instance can not be reached within 20 minutes instead, to allow customers to open tickets immediately?

a) Because most problems are resolved achieve power through automated processes in less than 20 minutes

b) Since all instances of EC2 can not be reached within 20 minutes every day, when AWS does routine maintenance

c) Since all EC2 instances can not be reached within 20 minutes, when it was first launched

d) Because of all the reasons listed here

e) None

Who this course is for:
  • Those who want to get knowledge on Certification & Check your Skill Test while attend this Practice Test

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