Get Microsoft Certified Azure Security Engineer Associate certification to take your career and salary to the next level.
I strongly recommend you to practice these AZ-500 practice tests to validate your learning before taking the real AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Technologies exam.
These practice tests are designed just like the actual exam questions, covers every topic, with a difficulty level like a real exam.
This AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Practice Tests course offers the following features:
- 230+ TOP-NOTCH Questions – The tone and tenor of the questions mimic the real exam along with the detailed explanations and reference links.
- DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE LINKS – Every question has full and detailed explanation along with reference links to MS documentation.
- ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD – You can post your queries to the QA section so we can discuss any queries.
- VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTOR – Most of your queries will be responded with in 24 hours.
- ALWAYS UP TO DATE – These practice tests are constantly updated with new questions and based on the student’s feedback.
- CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS – Every question is peer reviewed and verified with Grammarly.
- PREPARED BY MULTI CLOUD CERTIFIED professional who actually passed the AZ-500 AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Technologies exam!
These practice tests cover the following AZ-204 skills:
- Manage identity and access (30-35%)
- Implement platform protection (15-20%)
- Manage security operations (25-30%)
- Secure data and applications (25-30%)
I wish you all the best for your learning and exam. See you inside the course.