Exam 70-487: Microsoft Azure Exam Practice
Azure -
- C#
Accessing Data (20-25%)
Choose data access technologies
Choose a data access technology, including ADO.NET, Entity Framework, WCF Data Services, and Azure Cosmos DB, based on application requirements
Implement caching
Cache static data, apply cache policies, including policy expirations; use CacheDependency to refresh cache data; query notifications; implement caching using Redis
Implement transactions
Manage transactions by using the API from System.Transactions namespace; implement distributed transactions including distributed transaction on SQL Azure; specify a transaction isolation level
Implement data storage in Microsoft Azure
Access data storage in Windows Azure; choose a data storage mechanism in Microsoft Azure. including blobs, tables, queues, Azure SQL, and Cosmos DB; distribute data by using the Content Delivery Network (CDN) and Azure File Sync; handle exceptions by using retries; use Elastic client library with Azure SQL
Create and implement a WCF Data Services service
Address resources; implement filtering; create a query expression; access payload formats, including JSON; use data service interceptors and service operators; version a data service; implement data services providers; host the dataservice; use actions to implement server-side behavior
Querying and Manipulating Data by Using the Entity Framework (20-25%)
Query and manipulate data by using the Entity Framework
Query, update, and delete data by using DbContext; build a query that uses deferred execution; implement lazy loading and eager loading; create and run compiled queries; query data by using Entity SQL; create global query filters
Query and manipulate data by using Data Provider for Entity Framework
Query and manipulate data by using Connection, DataReader, and Command objects from the System.Data.EntityClient namespace; perform synchronous and asynchronous operations; manage transactions (API)
Query data by using LINQ to Entities
Query data by using LINQ operators, including project, skip, aggregate, filter, and join; log queries; implement query boundaries
Query and manipulate data by using ADO.NET
Query and manipulate data by using Connection, DataReader, and Command objects; perform synchronous and asynchronous operations; manage transactions
Create an Entity Framework data model
Structure a data model using Table per type, table per class, and table per hierarchy; select and implement an approach to manage a data model, including code first, model first, and database first; implement POCO objects; describe a data model by using conceptual schema definitions, storage schema definitions, and mapping languages, including CSDL, SSDL, and MSL
Implement Entity Framework with third party databases
Implement Entity Framework using MySQL and SQLite databases; design a strategy to manage differences between database capabilities; leverage database specific technologies, including ON DUPLICATE KEY using Entity Framework
Creating and Consuming Web API-based services (20-25%)
Design a Web API
Define HTTP resources with HTTP actions; plan appropriate URI space, and map URI space using routing; choose appropriate HTTP method to meet requirements; choose appropriate Web API formats for responses to meet requirements; plan when to make HTTP actions asynchronous
Implement a Web API
Accept data in JSON format; use content negotiation to deliver different data formats to clients; define actions and parameters to handle data binding; implement dependency injection to create more flexible applications; implement action filters and exception filters to manage controller execution; implement asynchronous and synchronous actions; implement streaming actions; implement middleware
Secure a Web API
Implement Identity for authentication; implement authorization using roles, claims, and custom authorization; implement Data Protection APIs; enable cross-domain requests (CORS); prevent cross-site request forgery (XSRF); implement and extend authorization filters to control access to applications
Host and manage Web API
Host Web API in IIS; self-host a Web API in your own process; host Web API in Kestrel; host services in a Windows Azure Web App; host services in Docker containers; configure the host server for streaming; work with a hosting environment
Consume Web API web services
Consume Web API services by using HttpClient; send and receive requests in different formats; handle retry logic; implement content negotiation; use Swagger to construct Uris and payloads; use AutoRest to build clients
Designing and Implementing Web Services (15-20%)
Consume a WCF service
Generate proxies by using SvcUtil; generate proxies by creating a service reference; create and implement channel factories; configure WCF services by using configuration settings; create and configure bindings for WCF services; relay bindings to Azure using service bus endpoints; integrate with the Azure service bus relay
Implement serverless Azure Web Services
Host web services using App Services, including Logic Apps and API Apps; design and implement Azure Function based services; design and implement Azure Web Jobs; design and implement Service Fabric based web services; implement schedule-based processing in a serverless environment
Implement traffic management in Azure
Implement Azure Load Balancer, including scaling; implement Azure Application Gateway; implement Azure Traffic Manager; design for multiple regions; leverage Azure CDN for caching web services; implement Log Analytics
Implement Azure API Management
Secure Web Services using certificates, Azure Active Directory, and OAuth; define and implement policies, including secrets, caching, external services, monitoring and throttling; define API interface using the Azure Portal and Swagger; manage running services using logging, disaster recovery, and multiple regions
Monitor web services
Collect logs and metrics using Azure Event Hubs; process logs and metrics using Azure Event Hubs, Stream Analytics, and Machine Learning; use Azure App Insights to monitor and troubleshoot web services
Deploying Web Applications and Services (15-20%)
Design a deployment strategy
Deploy using Web Deploy; deploy using Web Publishing in Visual Studio; deploy a web application by using XCopy; automate a deployment from VSTS or TFS Build Server; deploy a web application to a Docker container; design a continuous deployment pipeline; deploy using cloud sync
Choose a deployment strategy for Azure
Determine appropriate service; perform an in-place upgrade and deployment slot swap; create staging environments; configure an upgrade domain; create and configure input and internal endpoints; specify operating system configuration; implement ARM templates to customize deployment; deploy to Service Fabric; deploy to Azure Stack
Configure a web application for deployment
Switch from production or release mode to debug mode; transform configuration files ; configure Azure configuration settings; configure Azure Key Vault for application secrets; configure deployment credentials for Azure App Service
Manage packages by using NuGet
Create and configure a NuGet package; install and update an existing NuGet package; resolve versioning conflict issues; connect to a local repository cache for NuGet, set up your own package repository; manage NuGet dependencies
Share assemblies between multiple applications and servers
Prepare the environment for use of assemblies across multiple servers; sign assemblies by using a strong name; deploy assemblies to the global assembly cache; implement assembly versioning; create an assembly manifest; configure assembly binding redirects; target netstandard for cross platform libraries
- Exam prem 70-487