Introduction to forensic chemistry and crime science

Introduction to forensic chemistry and crime science

يتناول الكورس مقدمة عن الكيمياء الجنائية وإستخدام العلم والكواشف الكيميائية في كشف الجرائم وتقصي الحقائق

What you’ll learn

  • (1) Acquaintance with the science of criminal chemistry.
  • (2) Identify the criminal research team and team members and their specialties
  • (3) How to deal with the crime scene.
  • (4) Identify the types of fingerprints and fingerprinting methods.
  • (5) Can do some experiments to raise fingerprints at home.
  • (6) Tthe knowledge of chemical substances and reagents used in detecting contaminated and analyzing the fluid in the crime scene.
  • (7) Identification of criminals and victims and how to deal with the body.
  • (8) The knowledge of the past time that had passed on the death and the role of the insectic science.
  • (9) The link between chemistry and commercial fraud and red lily.
  • (10) An analytical discussion of real crimes that have already occurred and communication has been made by linking chemistry with criminology


  • computer and internet connection

Who this course is for:

  • beginner and every one who intresting in criminal science and chemistry
  • الكورس متاح لكل الفئات العمرية المهتمة بمجال الكيمياء وربطها بعلوم الإجرائم
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