Java Network Programming – Mastering TCP/IP | CJNP+ 2022

Learn Java network programming by practical example applicationsYou will develop Client Server,GUI Chat and other apps

Java Networking

TCP/IP Fundamentals

Network Topologies

Creating Online Chat Application with Java

Developing Server/Client Project Application

Using Java Networking Class

Create Applications that uses TCP or UDP protocols

Creating GUI Chat Applications

Server/Client Applications

HTTP Request

Networking Fundamentals

UDP/TCP Programming

SMTP Server Programming in Java

P2P Applications

and other awesome Java Networking topics ->>

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Learn Java network programming by practical example applicationsYou will develop ClientServer,GUI Chat and other apps

Networking supplements a lot of power to simple programs. With networks, a single program can regain information stored in millions of computers positioned anywhere in the world. Java is the leading programming language composed from scratch with networking in mind. Java Networking is a notion of combining two or more computing devices together to share resources.

All the Java program communications over the network are done at the application layer. The java . net package of the J2SE APIs comprises various classes and interfaces that execute the low-level communication features, enabling the user to formulate programs that focus on resolving the problem.

The Java platform is highly regarded in part because of its suitability for writing programs that use and interact with the resources on the Internet and the World Wide Web(WWW). In fact, Java-compatible browsers use this ability of the Java platform to the extreme to transport and run applets over the Internet.

Java is a premier language for network programming.  java . net package encapsulate large number of classes and interface that provides an easy-to use means to access network resources. Here are some important classes and interfaces of java . net package.

Socket is the foundation of modern networking, a socket allows single computer to serve many different clients at once. Socket establishes connection through the use of port, which is a numbered socket on a particular machine. Socket communication takes place via a protocol. Socket provides a communication mechanism between two computers using TCP . There are two kinds of TCP sockets in Java. One is for server and the other is for client.

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