Learn Python Web Development With Flask Zero To Hero

Learn Python Web Development With Flask Zero To Hero

Learn To become Flask Expert
What you’ll learn

  • flask

  • web

  • web development

  • python

  • sqlite

  • sqlalchemy

  • front end web

  • to do list

  • blogging app

  • flask login

  • CRUD

  • databases
  • should have basic python knowledge
  • should have computer

Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. It is micro framework because it does not require dozens of tools and library. you can customize flask as you want with the help of flask and get creative with it.

What will you learn?

  1. You will Learn about Back End Web Developed
  2. Flask Models
  3. Sqlalchemy
  4. Sqllite
  5. Python Advanced
  6. Databases
  7. Flask Login
  8. Login System
  9. Full CRUD functioning db

Why Flask?

  1. Flask Make it easy to use and good for python beginners.
  2. it is best if you want to make project light weight

Why this Course

  1. we will be making 2 different projects and 1 to work as assignment
    • to do list app
    • full blogging web app with login
    • Project: Library Management System
Who this course is for:
  • Web Developers
  • Beginners curious for python
  • Beginners curious for python web development
  • Beginners curious for python flask
  • Beginners curious for python web frameworks


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