Onboarding Employees – A Strategic Approach

Onboarding Employees – A Strategic Approach

A Talent Management Strategic Approach for Validation, Navigation, Integration & Separation!
What you’ll learn

  • You will understand what onboarding means, its significance to any corporate and pitfalls in case its not planned properly

  • You will understand how onboarding is different to orientation

  • You will have clarity on the benefits of effective onboarding

  • You will go through the Roles and Responsibilities of Talent Acquisition, Talent Management, Reporting Managers and Admin Teams

  • You will understand what all goes into planning an Induction

  • You will go through case studies on how various corporate’s onboard their employees, we include cases from HSBC, Wells Fargo, Google, Facebook,Netflix, Quora etc
  • Anyone who is interested to make their onboarding effective can go through this course

A Talent Management Strategic Approach for Validation, Navigation, Integration & Separation!

Post completing this course, you will be confident in achieving the below objectives for your organization:

1)Shortening the time for new employees to become productive and revenue-generating

2)Minimizing the cost of poorly trained new hires, in terms of substandard quality and customer service

3)Reducing turnover

4)Increasing engagement

5)Establishing leadership credibility

Onboarding is a critical part of creating a great candidate experience for a new employee. When onboarding goes well, the benefits from increased employee engagement directly impact organizational success. Employees who go through an effective onboarding program become more productive quicker and put out more valuable work. Organizations with a standard onboarding process experience 54% greater new hire productivity leading to better performance. Employees who go through a more focused and detailed welcoming experience are more likely to be enthusiastic about their organization and ultimately can become brand ambassadors. This ultimately translates to an organization’s bottom-line and tangible results in higher productivity.

Great Onboarding Leads to Ongoing Employee Engagement

Implementing a 30/60/90 Day Plan will help to increase employee engagement while making sure the new employee understands their responsibilities and expectations from the first day onward. Companies with highly engaged workers have higher rates of customer satisfaction and fewer errors. Learn how onboarding doesn’t just happen on day one.

The first 30 days is all about learning everything from where the office supplies are kept to what the company sells to what the new employee’s responsibilities will be.

The second month of employment should focus more on collaboration and taking on more responsibilities. Training usually is ongoing throughout an employee’s time at a company, but the intense training takes place within the first month. The employee will now use the training from the first 30 days to start implementing that knowledge.

The last 30 days of the plan is all about independence. As the employee starts taking on more responsibilities and working on bigger projects, they need to be more accountable for your work.

In this course, we propose an onboarding model that can help talent management leads to plan and execute an effective onboarding for their organization.

The four phases of the onboarding model are:

Validation: Did I make the right choice

Navigation: Initial Development

Integration: Ongoing development and Retention

Separation: Supporting employees who have resigned

We also include case studies from various corporates to give a 360-degree view of how successful organizations are using Onboarding as an effective Talent Management Strategic tool for employee engagement.

Who this course is for:
  • Talent Management Teams, Talent Acquisition Teams, Learning and Development Leads, Reporting Managers, Line of Business Heads and Human Capital Management Leads
  • Students aiming for a career in HR, Trainers, Freelancers etc can benefit from this course
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