This course includes the configuration of oracle environment that is most complicated. the versions covers are 11g, 10g


This course includes the basic configuration of 10G , 11 G and later versions of oracle environments that no body would find related to the configuration of these technologies in oracle. therefore , this course is designed for new comers who are willing to work or start their career in the oracle environment or for those who are already been working in banking or financial sectors where the organizations implemented their systems in these technologies. specially for financial sectors that they managed their ledgers and financial reports in oracle environments. the course covers all the related matters for configuration with practical examples and installation/configuration of oracle database and forms , reports developers 10G, 11G. Our team just have been working for a long time to design the comprehensive lectures related to the configuration of these technologies. There fore this is the Unique course on Udemy and no one offered and offering. i hope the aspirant would enjoy the course and switch to another course that is related to forms and reports development. This is the unique and comprehensive course that everyone can work after instructions of all lectures in the IT industry. First install the database 10g or 11g. if you want to work for the forms environment 10 G then install the 10g developer and replace your tnsnames.ora file accordingly from the database folder to forms folder where you install the forms 10G and rund OC4j server for 10g before running of your forms developer 10G . Similarly after installation of 11G database if you want to work for 11g forms and reports developer , just install by following the lectures and replace the same tnsnames.ora file from database to your forms 11g and run WLs_admin , wls_forms and node manager when it would be started then run your forms. Thanks

Who this course is for:

  • Information Technology
  • Oracle
  • Forms and Reports 11g
  • Forms and Reports 10g
  • developer 11g
  • developer 10g

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