Up & Running with Containers in AWS
Build Docker containers and deploy them to AWS using services like ECR, ECS, EKS, Elastic Beanstalk and Copilot.
What you’ll learn
Understand the concept of containerisation
Learn how to build Docker images and run containers
Learn how to work with the Docker CLI and Docker Compose
Create AWS infrastructure with Terraform
Deploy Containers to ECS with Copilot
Create a pipeline for your Container Application in a few steps with Copilot
Create an EKS Cluster from scratch and deploy an application
Build private and secure networking infrastructure for accessing your container applications
Deploy Docker containers to ECS, ECS Fargate, EKS and Elastic Beanstalk
Deliver Secure Container Images with Snyk scans
Create EKS Cluster using eksctl
Deploy Multi Container Application to AWS
Pushing Docker Images to ECR and Docker Hub
Build Multistage Docker Images
Basic programming experience
Have an AWS account
AWS CLI Installed
Who this course is for:
- Software Developers and DevOps engineers that want to learn how to deploy containers to AWS
- Software Developers wanting to learn more about containerisation and Docker
- Cloud and DevOps engineers
- Solution Architects