Using art therapy and psychology to discover YOUR passion!

Discover your passion – through the medium of art – or simply: psychology


Have you ever wondered how to discover your passion? Perhaps you need some help, some advice? Maybe you could discover your passion by looking at/reading about/studying/practising art? Looking at the work of famous painters perhaps – whose paintings symbolise the very essence of passion?

Perhaps you’re interested in DOING art. in that case a few art therapy exercises will help you discover your calling, your passion.

Maybe you’d like a bit more than that.

This course includes 4 case studies. We look at the work of art therapy clients and see how the artwork produced – after discussion – lead to them discovering and following their passion.

We look at the various stages of art on the journey to the passion.

BUT! not everything is about art! We also look at the work of a counsellor, 45 years ago, when he advised the current instructor about a) discovering and them b) following his passion. What were the strengths/weaknesses? The limitations? what happened – did the passion change?

Finally we also look at the career of a British Country Music singer. What his passion is and how following this passion has given him so many benefits.

We also look at:

  • small actions
  • questions to ask
  • how your passion evolves

The course also includes:

  • Spontaneous art therapy exercises
  • Meditations
  • Limitation and dangers of following your passion
  • Research on passion

…and much more.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone wandering what to do next
  • Students uncertain about the future
  • Students wishing to find – and follow – their passion
  • Students wanting to use art/art therapy to find passion

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